Call Masonry Repair Services if You Have These Signs of Structural Damage in Your Home

Signs of Structural Damage You Should Never Ignore

Owning a property has some unavoidable obligations, such as maintaining and fixing issues before they get worse. Perhaps no problem is more troublesome for homeowners than structural difficulties, which impact the home’s weight-bearing framework and, in certain cases, necessitate costly repairs. Discover why some home issues, which may seem trivial at first, may indicate structural deterioration that needs immediate care. Ask masonry repair firms for their opinion on a few telltale symptoms that a house might be experiencing structural issues.

Sticking Doors

When a door sticks, Russell looks for other signs of a structural issue, such as “diagonal crack in walls or unlevel floors in the area.” During installation, a builder levels and shims a door to ensure it opens and closes easily. If a door was once easy to open and close but suddenly won’t shut, it could signify a problem.

Cracked Windows

One of a house’s weakest components, glass window panes are prone to shattering when struck by errant throws of the ball or large hail. Cracked windows occasionally could indicate a more serious issue with the house’s construction.

Bouncy Floor

When a floor suddenly becomes bouncy after feeling solid for years, something has changed with the floor’s structure. This could be a damaged joist, delaminated subflooring, or even a foundation issue. In some cases, bouncy floors may be related to undersized floor joists or trusses.

Ceiling Cracks

Modern homes typically have drywall panels covering their ceilings; if the house significantly settles, the panels’ joints may develop hairline cracks along the room’s perimeter. The majority of the time, these cracks are only cosmetic, but if they “are wide, or when a ceiling crack transitions to a wall crack,” they can be a sign of a structural issue. Even though this type of crack is unsightly, it typically isn’t an indication of a structural issue. It can be cosmetically repaired by a contractor by attaching the ceiling drywall panels to the top of the wall structure rather than to the trusses. A crack that appears between a ceiling and a non-load-bearing wall in a home with a truss roof may be the result of “truss uplift.”

Need masonry repair services in Urbandale, IA? Reach out City Masonry Inc for the job. Dial (515) 328-6515 for professional masonry services!

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